The Known-You Seed (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Was established in November 1, 1984. The company’s main office is situated in No. 43 Rachapruek, Tambon Chang Phuak, Chiang Mai Province.
The company has its own vegetable breeding farm which is located in Hangdong District, Chiang Mai province. Initially. the company has brought planted vegetable varieties from Taiwan for demonstration purposes for farmers to gain their acceptance. Later on the company started to test hybrid seeds in order to identify seeds of high production yield, good quality and able to satisfy the market demands. Before vegetable seeds are sold in the market , seed testing is done with farmers. These hybrid seeds include watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, tomato, chilli, sweet pepper, plants belonging to the Brassica family and papaya.
A few years later,the Known-You Seed (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. Started to produce hybrid seeds particularly the Cucurbit family and hybrid ornamental seeds to sell domestically and internationally.